For more than a decade, Ogilvy has helped CDC’s Inside Knowledge campaign raise awareness and reduce mortality of gynecologic cancers by educating women to help them take an active role in their health. Despite positive successes, cancer screenings nationally plummeted by more than 90% during the pandemic. Estimates suggested that nearly 40,000 cervical cancer screenings were missed in the first three months of COVID-19 stay-at-home orders. To remedy this, CDC tasked Ogilvy with finding a way to both encourage women to get screened and to help overcome the lack of comfort and confidence in the exam room that impeded honest and productive conversations between women and their providers.
Specifically, women ages 30-45, are at critical time in their wellness journeys (pregnancy, parenting, approaching menopause). By helping them build confidence at the gynecologist, we hoped to also set them up for positive, lasting health behavior throughout their gynecologic health journey.